Point to point or average speed cameras are going live in December 2023 at six locations in Auckland.
- Matakana Road in Warkworth.
- Kahikatea Flat Road in Dairy Flat.
- East Coast Road in Redvale.
- Whitford Road in Shamrock Park.
- Glenbrook Road in Karaka.
- Glenbrook Road in Glenbrook.
Note that the cameras will be in “test mode” for a while and won’t be generating revenue or tickets until sometime mid-2024.
Average speed cameras are probably the most effective “safety tool” when actual safety is the genuine goal. We believe that fixed or static speed cameras only slow drivers down for a few hundred metres until they pass the camera, and then the speed will increase again.
If the true goal is safety and to slow drivers down in researched, proven blackspots, then point to point is surely the most effective method.
How Point to Point works
P2P speed measurement involves measuring the time taken for a vehicle to travel a known distance and using that time and distance to calculate the travel speed for the journey.
Cameras detect vehicles entering end exiting the measurement zone, take an image and capture the time of entry/exit.
Using ANPR to identify the vehicle by registration number, the time for the trip is calculated (exit time – entry time) and the speed calculated (distance of zone / trip time).

Data Processing Overview
• The cameras are linked to the back office by cellular modem and potentially fibre where available in the future.
• Cameras have time synchronisation equipment using network time protocols – likely the time source will come from Measurements Standards Laboratory NZ
• ANPR performed on camera and the registration number forms part of thew dataset sent to the back office system.
• The cameras have been fully tested for Spot speed, red-light and Point to Point under controlled conditions. NZ Police and the Measurements Standards Laboratory were involved in the test plan design and monitored the testing.

Can you beat them?
Not really. The Stinger VIP will give you average speed cam reminders and calculations. You still have to slow down, and that’s the goal of these cameras – safety.
Other products from Genevo, Uniden and Escort will allow you to mark the average speed camera locations for reminders when you’re in the area. That way you can do exactly what the safety research suggests – slow down in what is apparently some of the most dangerous spots on Auckland roads. Lifesaving radar detectors.