Installations and Repairs


Installation services for any of our radar detector or laser systems, or hard wires for window mount units available in Auckland at Rapid Radio, Wellington at Streetsoundz, and Christchurch with JC Installs.

Sorry, we don’t do repairs

Repairs for any Escort or Beltronics radar NOT under warranty is handled by Neltronics, the Australasian distributor via their New Zealand service agent.  Any warranty repairs can be sent to us and we will liaise with the repair agent.

For Escort or Beltronics repairs, contact Neltronics in New Zealand on 07 3784814.

For Uniden radar detector repairs, contact the NZ distributor at BluLink – 09 2738383.


We do not repair Valentine V1 radar detectors either

We are not aware of any legitimate Valentine V1 radar repair outlets in NZ or if faulty Valentine V1s can even be repaired.  

If you have a faulty V1, it’s time for a new radar.  We have new radars!
