police-laserThere’s always a chance your radar detector is faulty.  However, there are a list of reasons why your radar detector didn’t go off when a police laser was pointed at your car.

  • Laser provides pinpoint accuracy.
  • The laser gun has to pass over the sensor on the radar detector before you’ll get any kind of warning.
  • Laser is normally aimed at your license plate, NOT the windscreen.
  • The officer was not focussing on your car but a car beside or behind instead, or traffic going the other way – it can be hard to tell from the driver’s seat.
  • Laser alerts are switched OFF on your detector.

Incidentally, it only takes about half a second for the police to get a lock on your speed.  By the time you hear the alert your speed could have been recorded even before you can hit the brakes.

At NZ Radars, we deactivate the laser alerts.  There are an increasing number of laser-assisted safety features in modern vehicles, machinery and even construction that can cause false laser alerts.  Combine that with the fact that experienced police will have your speed locked in less time than it takes to say the word “l a s e r”, we switch off those alerts.

This means that your radar detector is only giving you decent alerts and falses are highly unlikely.

