
Escort MAX 360c radar detector with GPS

Original price was: $1,599.00.Current price is: $1,399.00.

The smaller, faster, arrow-loaded detector with GPS.  More features and more up to date than the Valentine V1 ever was.  But they both have arrows.

In stock (can be backordered)


Escort MAX 360c

The ESCORT MAX 360c connects directly to the driver’s cell phone to automatically run with ESCORT Live, our exclusive real-time ticket-protection network, without the need for your smartphone to connect to the detector.

With built-in Bluetooth® technology, the MAX 360c gives you access to ESCORT’s award-winning app, ESCORT Live. Our exclusive real-time ticket protection network, which warns you of upcoming alerts received and reported by other users in the area, and gives you access to local speed limit data for over-speed alerts.

Speed traps and camera locations are everywhere!  Escort has tackled the increasing number of safety cameras installed throughout NZ by pre-loading the MAX 360c with our exclusive DEFENDER® Database of active red light and speed camera locations. As you approach these locations, the MAX 360c will alert you in advance, you can even add your own hot spots using our exclusive Mark Location feature. Compatible with most Windows and Mac computers.

The Escort Max 360 builds on our patented true (DSP) Digital Signal Processing Max series detectors and is the fastest processing detector available which means it sees farther, quicker and with greater accuracy than any other technology today.

Updatable system automatically reduces false alerts from moving In-Vehicle Technology sources such as collision avoidance systems and adaptive cruise control.


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  • What radar frequency do cops use in NZ?

    Police Radar Frequency in NZ

    Ka radar, used in police patrol cars, operates on 34.7Ghz.  If you can isolate this frequency and switch off everything else, you’ll virtually eliminate any chance of false alerts.

    K band used in camera vans operates on 24.1 Ghz from a low-power radar transmitter.  This means that camera vans are very hard to detect reliably.

    The difference between K and Ka band is quite simple – read more about police radar frequencies in NZ here.

    It’s also worth the reminder that not all police cars have radar installed, normally just highway patrol cars.  They also don’t always have their radar turned on.  This is why your detector may not give you a lot of warning, it will suddenly blast a full-strength warning because the police just flicked their radar on the last second.  It’s tough to beat that sort of “hunting”.

  • Are Radar Detectors Illegal in New Zealand?

    There has long been talk of banning radar detectors, however this rumour has been circulating for nearly 20 years and there’s no evidence to suggest any New Zealand government will actually take action on the matter.

    Radar detectors are NOT illegal in New Zealand.

    There are a number of reasons why radar detectoes aren’t illegal here, as discussed here – read more.

  • Do NZ Police user radar or laser?

    The answer is BOTH. New Zealand Police use both radar and laser to detect speeding vehicles.

    Radar is more common though, with radar installed in police patrol cars, motorbikes, and fixed and mobile speed cameras.

    Laser is more accurate, but it can only be used by officers who are trained in its use and is used from a stationary, parked vehicle.  That said, laser can usually be transferred between police vehicles faster and easier, making it more financially effeciant for New Zealand police.

    Read more about the differences between police radar and laser here…
