Genevo Pro NZ stealth radar detector


This new stealth installed radar detector is one of the big names in Europe and is now available in New Zealand.

It is a built-in set with a new detachable display and integrated Genevo radar antenna. In its development emphasis was put especially on the best functionality, user-friendliness and simplicity of installation. It consists of the main control unit, GPS antenna, a radar antenna, display and display dock.

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Genevo Pro NZ

Genevo Pro NZ Radar Detector System

Soon after releasing their first product in 2011, Genevo Radar had the best selling compact radar detector in Central Europe.  Since then they’ve only continued to refine and improve with a range of window and stealth detectors that have kept them at the top of the European market.

GPS database

Up to date and accurate static speed camera database

The main advantages of Genevo Pro NZ:

  • Removable display.
  • Update via a USB Flash disk.
  • The most user-friendly menu.
  • Excellent sensitivity.
  • Customised programming to eliminate false alerts
  • Accurate and up to date GPS database.
  • Optional rear antenna


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  • Are Radar Detectors Illegal in New Zealand?

    There has long been talk of banning radar detectors, however this rumour has been circulating for nearly 20 years and there’s no evidence to suggest any New Zealand government will actually take action on the matter.

    Radar detectors are NOT illegal in New Zealand.

    There are a number of reasons why radar detectoes aren’t illegal here, as discussed here – read more.

  • Do NZ Police user radar or laser?

    The answer is BOTH. New Zealand Police use both radar and laser to detect speeding vehicles.

    Radar is more common though, with radar installed in police patrol cars, motorbikes, and fixed and mobile speed cameras.

    Laser is more accurate, but it can only be used by officers who are trained in its use and is used from a stationary, parked vehicle.  That said, laser can usually be transferred between police vehicles faster and easier, making it more financially effeciant for New Zealand police.

    Read more about the differences between police radar and laser here…
