Valentine V1 Gen 2


How exciting.  The classic V1 that never changed got an upgrade.  Only took 100 years!  But we won’t be doing the Gen2 either – here’s why.

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In March 2019, Valentine abruptly stopped producing the classic V1 radar detector.

There was a lot of discussion about the “why”, but one common rumour was the parts used to make it look like something out of the 80s were simply no longer available.

Several months later, Mr Valentine announced the first “new” V1 detector in over 20 years.  The creatively named “V1 Gen2” is really not a lot different to the original.

Just like the original V1 radar detector, we don’t sell it.

Rather than be accused of bashing the product and being biased, here’s a list of reasons why it’s not available at NZ Radars

  • No official sales outlet outside of the USA
  • No warranty outside of the USA
  • No repair agent outside of the USA
  • No spare parts outside of the USA
  • No GPS, so extra apps are required on your phone to make use of ALL the V1 features

And the biggest reason is performance.  Yes, the V1 Gen 2 “works”, and is a decent detector.  However, there is no obvious advantage over currently available NZ alternatives such as the Uniden R8, Escort Max 360c or the Escort Redline 360c, especially when many of them are the same or have similar prices.

An “obvious advantage” would be if it was remarkably better in any way than an R7, R8, Escort Max 360c, or Escort Redline 360c.

By “Remarkably better”, this could mean:

  • Measurable range superiority
  • Accurate and reliable camera van detection without countless false alerts as a tradeoff (none of the others are any good there either)
  • Even tighter GPS database
  • Simple easy to use operation without dongles, apps, bits of sticky tape, or a time machine
  • Cheaper accessories such as window brackets, etc (remember, these aren’t even available locally)


Of course, this is just our opinion.  We could parallel import them ourselves if there was ANYTHING about the Valentine that was superior over Uniden or Escort alternatives.


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  • What radar frequency do cops use in NZ?

    Police Radar Frequency in NZ

    Ka radar, used in police patrol cars, operates on 34.7Ghz.  If you can isolate this frequency and switch off everything else, you’ll virtually eliminate any chance of false alerts.

    K band used in camera vans operates on 24.1 Ghz from a low-power radar transmitter.  This means that camera vans are very hard to detect reliably.

    The difference between K and Ka band is quite simple – read more about police radar frequencies in NZ here.

    It’s also worth the reminder that not all police cars have radar installed, normally just highway patrol cars.  They also don’t always have their radar turned on.  This is why your detector may not give you a lot of warning, it will suddenly blast a full-strength warning because the police just flicked their radar on the last second.  It’s tough to beat that sort of “hunting”.

  • Are Radar Detectors Illegal in New Zealand?

    There has long been talk of banning radar detectors, however this rumour has been circulating for nearly 20 years and there’s no evidence to suggest any New Zealand government will actually take action on the matter.

    Radar detectors are NOT illegal in New Zealand.

    There are a number of reasons why radar detectoes aren’t illegal here, as discussed here – read more.

  • Do NZ Police user radar or laser?

    The answer is BOTH. New Zealand Police use both radar and laser to detect speeding vehicles.

    Radar is more common though, with radar installed in police patrol cars, motorbikes, and fixed and mobile speed cameras.

    Laser is more accurate, but it can only be used by officers who are trained in its use and is used from a stationary, parked vehicle.  That said, laser can usually be transferred between police vehicles faster and easier, making it more financially effeciant for New Zealand police.

    Read more about the differences between police radar and laser here…